Please read through the following agreements with your child so they are aware of their responsibilities and rules of conduct.
Students are expected to:
Conduct themselves in a manner that does not harm or threaten harm too;
The proper functioning of the college courses, programs, and activities
The rights, safety, and well-being of members and guests of the college
The property of the college
Refrain from:
Assault/threat or assault or conspiracy to assault/threaten assault
Harassment or discrimination in contravention of the principles articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code, Criminal Code of Canada, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and policies and operating practices of the college
Theft, defacement, or destruction of property
Unauthorized entry or trespassing
Using abusive language
Using drugs other than those for medical purposes
Behaviour or demeanor unsuitable or detrimental to the learning environment
Being under the influence of alcohol
Abide by reasonable instructions, given orally or written, by any college official authorized to secure compliance with such policies operating practices procedures, regulations, and rules including all health and safety guidelines and policies.
I hereby consent to the above identified participant’s enrolment in Career Samplers and agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the Career Samplers for Youth program (“Career Samplers”). I understand that if I break any of the rules, I will be asked to leave Career Samplers without the possibility of refund of fees. I am aware that breaking the rules and regulations may result in my exclusion from any future Career Samplers programs. I understand that Confederation College is not responsible for injury including death sustained at Confederation College.
I authorize the staff of Confederation College to act for me according to their best judgement in any circumstances in which the participant may require medical attention that may include but not be limited to first aid procedures, and attendance with the participant at a hospital.
I agree to release indemnify and save harmless Confederation College, its Board of Governors, Officers, employees, representatives, agents, assigns and licensees, as well as any other government ministry, agency, organization, company, or individual directly or indirectly connected with Confederation College or Career Samplers, from any cause of action, claim, lawsuit, charges, damages, demand, loss, cost, expense or judgement, resulting in any injury including death, or damage to property, that may be caused by negligent or deliberate acts or omissions of the named participant, or sustained by the named participant, while engaged in any activity connected with Confederation College or Career Samplers, whether on or off the Confederation College Premises.
I understand the consent in the conditions of enrolment as noted above. In addition, as parent/guardian of the participant, on my own behalf and on his/her/their behalf.
I authorize the use of photographs taken by Confederation College for current an or future advertising (including website and media coverage).
No refunds will be given for cancellations unless spot is filled. No credit is given for “no shows” or missed says. I case of cancellation by college due to insufficient registration (require minimum registration to run), all registrants will be notified, and a rull refund will be issued.