In this course students will explore the retirement communities industry and structure, including the roles of government, health care systems, professional associations and facility staff in the operationalization of facilities. Topics will include current issues and challenges, patient rights and advocacy, duty of care, funding frameworks and management of risk.
Learn MoreAs money is the lifeblood of most business activities, this course is designed to allow the student to identify and explore the factors that are relevant to financial decision making and budgeting. The course focuses on the learner’s ability to use a variety of standard problem solving tools of financial management and standard budgeting formats in both the private and not for profit sectors of the business. As most of the students will work in Canada, special emphasis will be placed on a well-developed Canadian financial infrastructure, funding and health care system. This course contains mandatory group work. We recommend viewing the course schedule immediately upon logging into the course to view course and group work requirements.
Learn MoreSuccessful Long Term Care and Retirement Homes require financial resources, (investment, capital, cash), physical resources (buildings, equipment) and human resources (people). The human resources framework involves obtaining and retaining competent employees. Managers require knowledge of competitive wage scales, pay equity, and benefit packages. Positive employee relations can be achieved through job satisfaction, conflict resolution and compliance with collective agreements and the Human Rights Code. Administrators/General Managers must meet the challenge of the increasing number and complexity of government regulations and the diversity of the workforce.
Learn MoreThis course will cover what is needed to manage a Food Services Department in a retirement or LTC home. We will begin with the systems approach, followed by food production, assembly distribution and service where you will learn about the four scopes of service. Next, we will introduce the regulations, acts and standards followed by food safety and sanitation. As you proceed through the course, you will see that all the weekly topics intersect with one another. Once introduced, you will notice that each topic is used frequently. You will learn about the food services manager and the role that they play in everything in the department. This includes the nutrition requirements in the elderly lifecycle, therapeutic, cultural/religious special needs, and menu planning.
Learn MoreThe risk of fire is a threat to health, safety and the delivery of services. Students learn specific information related to fire and life safety. Topics include the chemistry and physics of fire, building design for life safety, and other aspects of fire and life safety. Applicable legislation related to fire and life safety is also covered.This course contains mandatory group work. We recommend viewing the course schedule immediately upon logging into the course to view course and group work requirements.
Learn MoreWorkplace safety encompasses the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of chemical, physical and biological hazards arising in or from the workplace. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and other relevant legislation are explored.
Learn MoreUnderstanding the various jurisdictions is foundational to occupational health and safety. Students learn to locate specific legislation, the interface between the statutes, regulations, codes and standards. The obligations of employers and of employees is discussed, as is the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and Regulations, filing claims, entitlement decision making, benefits, appeals and re-employment.
Learn MoreAn overview of ergonomics principles highlights basic worksite investigation and familiarization with basic principles relating to anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, manual material handling, cumulative trauma disorders, and office ergonomics.
Learn MoreStudents will acquire an understanding of principles of adult learning and therapeutic relationships in order to develop, implement and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs and strategies in the workplace. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote employee wellness through identification, management and prevention of work-related stress and burnout, acquire skills to assist employees to cope with bereavement and loss, facilitate Employee Assistance Programs, and provide crisis intervention and critical incident response, defusing and debriefing. Pre-Requisite - current Certificate of Registration from the College of Nurses of Ontario as an RN or RPN OR registered in the jurisdiction where you live.
Learn MoreThis course is only for Internationally Education Nurses. This course's focus on Relational Practice prepares you to meet the competencies required for a Registered Nurse's role as Communicator, Leader, Collaborator and Advocate. The course addresses cognitive, affective and behavioural domains of relational practice, integrating theoretical knowledge, critical reflection, and the lived experience of relational practice with diverse clients in complex health environments. You will have opportunities to: engage in structured reflection; practice communication skills; manage conflict; demonstrate leadership and advocacy skills; and apply analysis of social, cultural and legal variables to decision-making that promotes relational capacity in interprofessional collaborative practice.
Learn MoreYou will acquire skills using a variety of operations found in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and develop keyboarding skills (min. 35 wpm), through hands-on experience and assignments. Computer Software Requirements: Microsoft 365.
Learn MoreTo understand complicated mental health disorders common to infant, child and adolescents, students will review a variety of abnormal cognitive and behavioural disorders. This course will emphasize an understanding of the behaviours and the daily effects and challenges on the mental health of the infant, child, and adolescent population. This course contains mandatory group work. We recommend viewing the course schedule immediately upon logging into the course to view course and group work requirements.
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